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dc.contributor.authorAydemir, Sabiha T
dc.contributor.authorKumcu, Müge Kuzu
dc.contributor.authorUlukan, Çağrı
dc.contributor.authorBakirarar, Batuhan
dc.contributor.authorAkbostancı, M Cenk
dc.description.abstractIntroduction: Subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation (STN-DBS), continuous subcutaneous apomorphine infusion (APO), and levodopa–carbidopa intestinal gel infusion (LCIG) are treatments used to treat severe motor fluctuations and dyskinesia in patients with advanced levodopa responsive Parkinson's disease (PD), who can no longer be managed with available combinations of oral medications. This study aims to evaluate patient choice of one of three device-based treatment methods. Methods: A total of 58 patients clinically diagnosed with PD were included in the study. Eligibility for device-based treatment of PD patients with motor symptoms despite optimal medical treatment was assessed based on Hoehn & Yahr Stages, and Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale-Part III. All three device-based treatment methods were thoroughly explained with on-hand demonstrations. Preferences and reasons for choice were recorded. Results: Nineteen patients were ineligible for STN-DBS due to neurological causes. A total of 23 patients preferred STN-DBS, 23 preferred APO, and only one patient preferred LCIG. Thirteen patients preferred to continue oral medical treatment, while two patients positively approached both STN-DBS and APO. Conclusion: The most common reason patients declined STN-DBS and LCIG was concerned about the surgical operation, while the most common reason APO was declined was its frequent administration of the injection. While STN-DBS was preferred by younger, less severe patients, APO was preferred by older patients who had a longer duration of disease.en_US
dc.publisherTıp Fakültesien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.subjectDeep brain stimulationen_US
dc.subjectParkinson's diseaseen_US
dc.subjectapomorphine infusionen_US
dc.subjectdevice-based treatmenten_US
dc.subjectlevodopa–carbidopa intestinal gel infusionen_US
dc.titlePatient preference of device-based treatment of Parkinson's disease.en_US
dc.contributor.departmentDahili Tıp Bilimlerien_US

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